The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast
Ready to succeed in the Real Estate Investing Industry? Join us at ‘The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast’ to learn about investment strategies; ask questions and get answers from our community of Creative BRRRR Strategies members; connect with investor-friendly power team real estate players; and so much more.
‘The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast’ aims to help its listeners “make more sales and earn higher commissions by learning directly from real estate’s top performers.”
You will learn from up-and-coming real estate professionals Nationwide.
Boasting guests Nationwide, we will aim to ask the questions that matter and implement strategies that will help listeners make more money in real estate.
The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast
S1E71 - Be Real Estate Coached or Mentored?
Joseph discussed the importance of mentorship and coaching in personal and professional development. He emphasized that mentorship is an informal process that cannot be forced and should be based on mutual respect and trust. Joseph also highlighted the importance of self-awareness, empathy, emotional regulation, decision-making, and problem-solving skills in coaching.
He shared his experience of mentoring others, particularly in their professional careers, and how it has helped them achieve success. Joseph also differentiated between coaching and mentoring, stating that coaching is a paid service for a specific task, while mentoring is more about guiding someone into becoming a better person.
He concluded by sharing his personal experience of how mentorship helped him regain his health and transform his mindset, leading to greater success in his life.
Contact Our Sponsors
Perkitech - https://perkitech.com/
Realty411 - https://realty411.com/
MB Capital Solutions - https://mbcapitalsolutions.com/
Joseph @ Lendmarq - https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephvscorese/
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Email - info@creativebrrrrstrategies.com