The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast
Ready to succeed in the Real Estate Investing Industry? Join us at ‘The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast’ to learn about investment strategies; ask questions and get answers from our community of Creative BRRRR Strategies members; connect with investor-friendly power team real estate players; and so much more.
‘The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast’ aims to help its listeners “make more sales and earn higher commissions by learning directly from real estate’s top performers.”
You will learn from up-and-coming real estate professionals Nationwide.
Boasting guests Nationwide, we will aim to ask the questions that matter and implement strategies that will help listeners make more money in real estate.
The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast
S1E70 - Lead Generation For Your Real Estate Biz Strategies
Joseph discussed his strategies for lead generation and maintaining relationships with existing clients. He emphasized the importance of consistency and investment in social media marketing, and shared his personal experiences of making mistakes in social media management. Joseph also highlighted the potential of LinkedIn for generating leads and the importance of having controls in place to bring value to a Facebook group.
He expressed dissatisfaction with his current CRM, Constant Contact, and his intention to switch to a more suitable platform like Hubspot. Lastly, he discussed his strategy for building a strong online presence and generating leads, including using LinkedIn's connection limit to send out 200 connection requests every week and his use of Sales Navigator and Eva Boot to find and contact potential leads.
Contact Our Sponsors
Perkitech - https://perkitech.com/
Realty411 - https://realty411.com/
MB Capital Solutions - https://mbcapitalsolutions.com/
Joseph @ Lendmarq - https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephvscorese/
Contact Us
Main Website - https://creativebrrrrstrategies.com/
Podcast Site w/ All Links - https://thecreativebrrrrstrategiespodcast.buzzsprout.com/share/
Email - info@creativebrrrrstrategies.com