The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast
Ready to succeed in the Real Estate Investing Industry? Join us at ‘The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast’ to learn about investment strategies; ask questions and get answers from our community of Creative BRRRR Strategies members; connect with investor-friendly power team real estate players; and so much more.
‘The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast’ aims to help its listeners “make more sales and earn higher commissions by learning directly from real estate’s top performers.”
You will learn from up-and-coming real estate professionals Nationwide.
Boasting guests Nationwide, we will aim to ask the questions that matter and implement strategies that will help listeners make more money in real estate.
The Creative BRRRR Strategies Podcast
S1E66 - How Community Engagement Can Shape A Project
Joseph emphasized the importance of community engagement in real estate development, highlighting the need for local residents and stakeholders to be involved in the planning and decision-making process. He stressed the benefits of this approach, such as creating developments that reflect the community's character and enhance the quality of life.
Joseph also discussed the importance of branding and marketing in running a successful real estate investment business, recommending the book "Traction" for insights on building a brand. He emphasized the significance of community engagement, including developing a consistent visual identity, leveraging social media, and networking. Joseph concluded by encouraging the team to find their niche and understand their unique value proposition.
He also announced his participation in the Maryland Association of Realtor Expo and upcoming presentations in New Jersey and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Contact Our Sponsors
Perkitech - https://perkitech.com/
Realty411 - https://realty411.com/
MB Capital Solutions - https://mbcapitalsolutions.com/
Joseph @ Lendmarq - https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephvscorese/
Contact Us
Main Website - https://creativebrrrrstrategies.com/
Podcast Site w/ All Links - https://thecreativebrrrrstrategiespodcast.buzzsprout.com/share/
Email - info@creativebrrrrstrategies.com